Large Portfolio
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Sweden’s environmental objectives: methodological challenges
Lisa Eriksson, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) has overall responsibility that Swedens´s environmental objectives are achieved. The SEPA is facing big methodological challenges concerning how to evaluate these goals in a policy context. The goal system consists of goals of different kind. There is one generational goal, defining the direction of the changes in society that need to occur within one generation if the environmental quality objectives are to be met. There is also the Environmental quality objectives, defining the state of the Swedish environment which environmental action is to result in. Decisions on... Read More ››
How to evaluate climate policy: case of an evaluation-based performance audit of Finnish climate and energy strategy
Paula Kivimaa, Finnish Environment Institute Evaluations of climate policy are challenging both prior and after implementation of new policies. They are complicated by uncertain cause-effect chains, multiple other causes and policies influencing in desired and opposite directions, slowly changing practices, and long time periods before outcomes can be measured. Compared to some other environmental policy evaluations, climate policy evaluations are more challenging as their design and implementation is often a result of several administrative sectors. Climate policy typically requires coherence between, for example, energy, transport, forest and agricultural policies. Previous evaluations can point out possible methods to carry out... Read More ››
Ecosystem service indicators: are we ready to measure ecosystem performance?
Wouter Van Reeth, Flemish Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) Since the publication of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) policymakers and other stakeholders are increasingly embracing the idea that ecosystems are capital assets that can yield a valuable flow of services, if they are properly managed. Ecosystem restoration with the purpose of safeguarding or optimising ecosystem services has become an explicit policy objective at an international, European, national and regional level. As a result, the performance of ecosystems to deliver services and support human well-being also becomes an explicit part of policy planning, design of policy instruments, implementation,... Read More ››