Large Portfolio

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Evaluating environmental law and policy in the Netherlands: experiences from the ‘STEM’ programme

Frans Oosterhuis, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at VU University Amsterdam Between 2004 and 2010, the Dutch Ministry of Environment ran a programme ‘Structural Evaluation of Environ­mental Legislation’ (Dutch acronym: STEM). It was carried out by researchers from three Dutch universities, with support from Arcadis. A wide variety of projects were executed, resulting in 33 reports. With hindsight, the approach has been hardly ‘structural’, but rather ‘ad hoc’. Neverthe­less, the programme has led to useful insights and recom­mendations for improvements in policy and legislation. Still, a more systematic way of evaluating would be recom­mendable in order to maximise the learning... Read More ››

Missing the Fruit for the Ladder

Written by Matt Keene. Wisdom, rooted in knowledge of thyself, is a prerequisite of good judgment.Though the purpose of evaluation is to serve, the discipline yet lacks the self-awareness to be a wise and respected steward of the public’s well-being. EF Schumacher describes wisdom as based on four fields of knowledge: Of thyself Others How others see you The world In pursuit of disciplinary wisdom, we might consider: What is going on in the world of evaluation? What’s going on in other disciplines? How do others see evaluation? What’s going on in the world? The world is achieving more... Read More ››

GPRA Moderization Act of 2010

Overview • President Obama signed on 01/04/11 • House agrees to Senate Amendments on 12/21/10 (216 – 139) • Passed by the Senate on 12/16/10 • Passed by the House on 06/16/10 For a complete overview and side-by-side analysis, download the GPRA Word Doc here. Federal Government Federal Government Priority Goals • Director of OMB with agency coordination will develop priority goals to improve the performance and management of the Federal Government (FG). FG goals include outcome oriented goals and goals for management improvements: financial, human capital, IT, procurement and acquisition, and real property management. • Shall be long-term... Read More ››