Large Portfolio

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Competition effects of the renewable energy policy reform in Flanders

Annemie Bollen, Socio-Economic Council of Flanders (SERV); Peter van Humbeeck, Univer­sity of Antwerp (UA) and Socio-Economic Council of Flanders (SERV) To promote renewable electricity, Flanders is using a system of tradable green certificates. Despite the many modifi­cations in the past, problems have risen instead of declining. Almost everyone now agrees that an important change in policy is needed. The main question is: do we keep looking for solutions within the existing system or do we stop using a system depending on trade in a green certificates market? An insight in how this market works makes this question easier to... Read More ››

Linking modes of governance and social-ecological outcomes in environmental evaluation

Edward Challies and Nicolas Jager, Leuphana University of Lüneburg We address the interrelationships between social and ecological outcomes of environmental policies and pro­grammes under different modes of governance. While environmental policy often produces unexpected social side effects, both positive and negative, policymakers and scholars have also long recognised potential synergies in com­bining social and environmental policy goals. With reference to collaborative environmental governance, such as in the case of the European Water Framework Directive, we examine the identification of community participation as a tool for achieving environ­mental objectives, and consider the implications of this for environmental policy and programme... Read More ››

The role of analytical economics in environmental policy evaluation: interaction of waste and energy policies

Maarten Dubois, KU Leuven The EEEN forum has the objective to advance the evaluation of environmental policies.  As resources become ever more scarce, policy needs well-integrated decisions that take into account side effects on all domains. Environmental economy has an important role to play in policy evaluation. Rather than focusing on single technologies or specific environmental effects, analytical models have a heli­copter view on the full welfare impact. Through a focus on efficiency, environmental economics offers a methodology to balance environmental benefits and private invest­ment costs of policies. As waste and energy policies are managed by different administrative bodies,... Read More ››