The purpose of the Environmental Evaluators Network (EEN) is to advance the practice, policy and theory of evaluating environmental programs, policies and other interventions through more systematic and collective learning. The EEN is a rapidly growing and diversifying community of practice of thousands of participants committed to understanding and improving effectiveness and efficiency in the environmental sector. EEN participation is international and represents the environmental sector’s diversity of disciplines and organizations, working from the local to global scale in government agencies, non-profits, consulting organizations, foundations, and academic institutions.

Some of the ways that EEN accomplishes its purpose include:

• Fostering relationships between evaluators and users of evaluation,
• Advancing the theory of environmental evaluation, and
• Collaborating across diversity to deliver useful products and services.

EEN was founded in 2006 by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and today its sponsors and partners include government agencies, professional associations, consulting firms, foundations and universities. The Network is comprised of environmental, conservation, sustainable development, and natural resource evaluators and evaluation consumers. Individuals and organizations from academia, consulting, foundations, government and non-profits are all welcome to participate.

Contact Information

Dr. Alejandro Ortega-Argueta

El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Unidad Villahermosa
Tabasco, 86283, Mexico
Ph 52+ (993) 313 61 10 ext. 3412

More Resources:

• View a list of EEN primary contacts
• Connect to EEN participants on LinkedIn

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