205: Complex Systems and Their Evaluations: Navigation Tools for Developing and Implementing an Evaluation in the Context of the Oregon Paint Recycling Program
Lou Nadeau (Eastern Research Group, Inc.)
Lauren Jankovic (Eastern Research Group, Inc.)
Chris Metzner (Freelance Graphic Designer)
Hedrick Strickland (Duke University)
Matt Keene (EPA)
This session will present some tools that are being used in evaluating the newly-implemented Oregon Paint Recycling program. First, we will discuss the overall evaluation design and how it has incorporated and accounted for complexity. This involves the use of a participatory approach to the evaluation and specific tools to link questions and measures to one another. Second, we’ll describe the fuzzy logic model we are using. Logic models are often limited to the immediate stakeholders of a clearly defined program during the initial stages of the evaluation process. A fuzzy logic model embraces fluid and approximate reasoning and varied context to improve the capacity of logic models to navigate non-linearity, feedback loops, and other key concepts of complexity. Integrating web 2.0, graphic design and data visualization with traditional logic models creates opportunities to account for complexity, and it expands access and use of the evaluation process to a greater diversity of stakeholders over a longer period of time. Finally, we’ll discuss how GIS has been used to manage some of the program complexity. GIS enables the synthesis and analysis of large quantities of data simultaneously and it enables visualization of the results. In relation to the Oregon program, the capacity allowed by GIS meant that we could examine program convenience at a statewide level, rather than at the county or local level.
PPSI Evaluation Website http://www.paintstewardshipprogram.com
AEA365 Blog Post http://aea365.org/blog/?p=3254
Oregon DEQ Paint Page http://www.deq.state.or.us/lq/sw/prodstewardship/paint.htm
PaintCare http://www.paintcare.org/
Product Stewardship Institute http://www.productstewardship.us/