Below are the options that are available for this shortcode and their default values. A hash (#) indicates a required value.
'images' => 'true', // true, false
'cats' => '', // Category IDs e.g. 51,43,12
'image_width' => '640',
'image_height' => '250',
'per_page' => '9', // Number of posts per page
'orderby' => 'date', // date, title, random
'order' => 'desc', // desc, asc
'offset' => '0', // Number of posts to exclude from beginning
'excerpt_length' => '50', // 0 to disable
'full_content' => 'false', // false, true
'title' => 'true', // true, false
'read_more' => 'true' // true, false
'shadow' => 'none', // none, shadow-xs, shadow-s, shadow-m, shadow-l, shadow-xl
'reflection' => 'none', // none, reflection-s, reflection-m, reflection-l
'divider' => 'curved', // curved, line, top, clear
'meta' => 'true', // true, false
'pagination' => 'true' // true, false,
'preload' => 'false' // false, true,
'wrap' => 'false' // false, true
And this is what you should insert into your posts and pages…
[blog images="true" cats="" image_width="640" image_height="250" per_page="9" orderby="date" order="desc" offset="0" excerpt_length="50" meta="true" full_content="false" title="true" shadow="none" reflection="none" divider="curved" pagination="true" preload="false" wrap="false" /]