Developing the EEN Website: What can we make it do for you?


Chris Metzner, Freelance Graphic Designer


Developing a website requires the fusion of functionality, ease of use, interactivity to keep your visitor’s interest, and search engine optimization to increase web traffic. Using the new EEN website as a case study, this discussion will give an overview of the goals sought out by the EEN to bring multiple, unique and complex environmental organizations together online and show how the core elements of website development were successfully implemented.  Please bring your comments, questions and feedback about the new EEN website to share; we look forward to meeting with you!

Download the presentation booklet here.

Contact Information

Would you like to share your ideas ahead of schedule? Feel free to contact Chris Metzner and he will incorporate them at the forum!


  1. 18 June 11, 7:02pm

    See some of the EEN website features and leave your feedback here:

  2. 26 May 11, 8:01am

    Hello visitors and participants! I am very much looking forward to presenting at this year’s forum. You won’t want to miss this Evaluators’ Café discussion.


    Do presentations with fireworks, loud music, deep bass, confetti, balloons and parades get you excited?? Well, me too!! But, that won’t be happening at this table. There will, however, be brainstorming of that creative magnitude! So be thinking about what you want to see happen on this website and come share those ideas with us. See you soon!

Respond to Chris Metzner