2013 EEEN Keynote Speakers

2013 EEEN Forum

Evert Vedung

Emeritus professor, Uppsala University, Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF) and Department of Government

He is currently active as author and educator in the following fields

  1. Evaluation in public policy and public administration, esp methodology, intervention theory, client-oriented evaluation, utilization of evaluation
  2. Evaluation as 2nd order public policy, evaluation history (four waves)
  3. Policy instruments (carrots, sticks, sermons and combinations), governance doctrines like results-oriented management, network govemance, client-oriented govemance
  4. Implementation in public policy and public administration
  5. Urban policy with focus on Swedish metropolitan policy (storstadspolitik) and role of evaluation policy and evaluation utilization
  6. Environment policy, global regimes, ozone layer
  7. Energy policy, nuclear energy, hydroelectric, conservation, energy crises
  8. Analysis of political and policy ideas, argument analysis, deliberative dialogue


Nanny Bressers

Nanny Bressers wrote her PhD thesis (2011) on the evaluation of complex multi-actor knowledge and innovation programs. The central argument of this thesis is that the impact of these programs cannot be assessed with standard evaluation approaches, due to the complex causality of actions/outcomes. She developed an evaluation method in which programs are evaluated based on the receptivity of the program and its enviromnent towards each other, instead of looking at the achievement of pre-set objectives (as standard evaluation/ monitoring tends to do). Furthermore, she has participated in a variety of projects, including transition monitoring of Transumo and Living with Water, the organization of an innovation impulse in the Transtuno A15-project, the interim evaluation of policy program Room for the River, and an evaluation of program and test grounds of Waterkader Haaglanden. Her current research concentrates on two research projects. First, an intemational comparison (N etherlands-China) of urban water and climate adaptation projects, with a current emphasis on learning evaluation of two Rotterdam urban water initiatives. And second, an ongoing intemal leaming evaluation of EU FP7-project BRAIN POoL (a project about Beyond GDP knowledge brokerage). If you are interested to learn more about Nanny Bressers, see the following link:


Hans Bruyninckx

Hans Bruyninckx is director at HIVA – Research Institute for Work and Society associated to the KU Leuven. He is professor international relations and global environmental policy and governance and is part of the steering committee of the strategic transition processes of the Flemish government. He is also the promoter of the Policy Research Centre on Transitions for Sustainable Development (TRADO).

http://hiva.kuleuven.be/nl/overhiva/onsteam detail.php‘?id=249

Per Mickwitz

Research Director, Professor, D.Sc.(Admin.), Adjunct Professor (Environmental Policy, University of Tampere)

As Research Director he is responsible for the research at the Finnish Environmental Institute (SYKE). During the last years much of his work has focused on the theory and practice of environmental policy evaluation. Based on his research he has published several monographs and numerous articles in academic journals. Recently the focus of his work has shifted to energy and climate policy issues. During 2011 he worked as acting Professor (Environmental Policy) at the University of Tampere (Department of Regional Studies). Between 2003 and 2005, he was the president of the Finnish Evaluation Society (FES). From January 1 2007, he is an Adjunct Professor in Environmental Policy at the Department of Regional Studies at the University of Tampere.


Lisa Eriksson and Marie Wiktorsson

Evaluation Section, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. They will show and discuss results and experiences from the latest in-depth evaluation of the Swedish environmental objectives and methodological challenges connected to the overall analysis. A new approach was used in the latest evaluation. One aim of the overall analysis was to analyze using new perspectives – starting from an overall level and then to divide and find new patterns. Major areas of cause and development are visualized in the analysis in order to broaden the picture for future enviromnental efforts.





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