105: The Shape of Targeted Runoff Management: Network Structure as a Program Evaluation Tool


Robert A. Smail, University of Wisconsin


Agricultural production in Wisconsin is significantly structured by a statewide network of agencies and actors promoting farming practices intended to reduce Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution (AgNPS).  In recent years, targeted runoff projects have been added to this network to achieve reductions of specific pollutants in specific locations.  In most cases, these efforts are intended to enhance the capacity of existing policy actors or introduce new actors to deliver financial resources, technical assistance, educational outreach and regulatory enforcement to farmers.  Given the inherent difficulties in correlating land use changes to water quality, the effects and benefits of these efforts are often unknown.  However, policy network analysis may provide a means by which different projects can both be assessed in relation to the statewide policy network and compared to other types of targeted initiatives.   This presentation will provide a brief background on policy network analysis and an opportunity for the audience to participate in role-playing scenarios that demonstrate how network analysis can assess targeted projects and demonstrate the effects of anticipated project changes.

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