Sidebar Shortcodes


Below are the options that are available for this shortcode and their default values. A hash (#) indicates a required value.
'name' => 'Default Sidebar', // Name of a sidebar you have already created in Appearance > Widgets
'width' => '',
'align' => 'none', // none, alignleft, alignright, aligncenter

And this is what you should insert into your posts and pages…
[sidebar name="Default Sidebar" width="" align="none" /]

Default Sidebar

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Evaluation Portal

"Evaluation Portal - Link Collection" is a webdirectory created to help you finding interesting evaluation resources which are widespread through the internet. This link-collection is split up into several categories. Within every category and corresponding subcategories you find hand-picked, high-quality, individually described links to other internet evaluation-resources.

[sidebar name="Default Sidebar" width="400" align="aligncenter" /]

Sidebar 1

[sidebar name="Sidebar 1" /]