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And this is what you should insert into your posts and pages…
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Environmental Equity: Measurement and Evaluation Considerations

Day 3: Sept 24, 2013 • 1:00pm-2:15pm • Great Hall By Richard Gelb, King County Process, distributional, and intergenerational equity increasingly are priority focus areas for communities, public agencies, tribes, and foundations.  Though still not included in many performance management constructs and evaluation methods, new equity measurement standards, data sets,... Read More ››

EENP: A Social Network Analysis

Day 3: Sept 24, 2013 • 1:00pm-2:15pm • Great Hall By Ken Vance Borland; Judy Soule, Conservation Planning Institute; Debbie Gowensmith, Groundswell Services Here you can get an introduction to using social network analysis (SNA) for evaluation, as we use our SNA of Forum participants to explain methods and give a... Read More ››

Introducing the Systematic Review

Day 3: Sept 24, 2013 • 1:00pm-2:15pm • Great Hall By Lisa Gaines, Oregon State University; Rob Fiegener, Oregon State University Information overload? Cherry-picking information? What does the existing science/evidence say? Systematic reviews can be a tool to uncover the breadth (or lack thereof) of scientific evidence in natural resources... Read More ››

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Environmental Equity: Measurement and Evaluation Considerations

Day 3: Sept 24, 2013 • 1:00pm-2:15pm • Great Hall By Richard Gelb, King County Process, distributional, and intergenerational equity increasingly are priority focus areas for communities, public agencies, tribes, and foundations.  Though still not included in many performance management constructs and evaluation methods, new equity measurement standards, data sets, techniques and approaches are emerging to help account for and optimize progress in these domains.  At this café, we’ll explore how process, distributional, and intergenerational equity relate, and ponder measurement considerations and evaluation approaches that reveal progress in these arenas. Richard Gelb is the performance management, evaluation, and equity and... Read More ››

EENP: A Social Network Analysis

Day 3: Sept 24, 2013 • 1:00pm-2:15pm • Great Hall By Ken Vance Borland; Judy Soule, Conservation Planning Institute; Debbie Gowensmith, Groundswell Services Here you can get an introduction to using social network analysis (SNA) for evaluation, as we use our SNA of Forum participants to explain methods and give a live demo of producing social network maps. Then together we will interact with the maps to explore relationships, strengths, gaps, and future opportunities among the network of Forum participants, and also discuss how you might use SNA for evaluation. Ken Vance-Borland is Director of the Conservation Planning Institute, where he... Read More ››

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