Measuring Habitat and Biodiversity Outcomes

2013 EENP Forum

Day 2: Sept 23, 2013 • 1:15pm • Great Hall

By Sara Vickerman

Measuring habitat and biodiversity outcomes is especially challenging, due to the variability and complexity of ecosystems. However, there is increasing interest in measuring the effectiveness of biodiversity outcomes across different scales, land ownerships, and jurisdictions. Several tools and frameworks are currently in use, and more under development, that may prove beneficial in facilitating investments in conservation outcomes. This session will present an overview of the status of these efforts and engage the audience in a discussion designed to facilitate broader adoption and testing of these emerging techniques.

Sara is the senior director for biodiversity partnerships for Defenders of Wildlife. She led the Oregon Biodiversity Project, which produced a statewide assessment and strategy to conserve Oregon’s biodiversity. Her staff and contractors created and manage the Conservation Registry, and built several habitat/biodiversity metrics. She has also been involved in legislative campaigns concerning ecosystem services and conservation outcomes.


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