Three Perspectives on an Evaluation of Habitat Restoration in the Great Lakes Region
Day 2: Sept 23, 2013 • 10:45am • Great Hall
By Edward Wilson, Edward W. Wilson Consulting; Christina Kakoyannis, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; David Hubbard, Coastal Restoration Consultants
This session presents lessons learned from a comprehensive evaluation of Sustain Our Great Lakes, a grant program to support habitat restoration projects. The presenters include the lead evaluator, the restoration ecologists who played a key role in the assessment, and the evaluation officer who oversaw the project for the client.
Edward Wilson, Ph.D, is an independent consultant with 20 years of experience evaluating environmental programs for philanthropies, NGOs and government agencies. David Hubbard (principal, Coastal Restoration Consultants) has restored habitats for 17 years, restoring ecosystem processes to create self-sustaining projects even in urban settings. Christina Kakoyannis, Ph.D., is the Evaluation Officer for the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation where she works to embed evaluation principles into NFWF’s conservation grantmaking.