Getting to Know the EEN Pacific Using Social Network Analysis
Day 2: Sept 23, 2013 • 2:30pm • Great Hall
By Ken Vance-Borland; Judy Soule, Conservation Planning Institute; Debbie Gowensmith, Groundswell Services
In this session we will explore the results of our social network analysis (SNA) of the Forum participants as an example of using SNA for evaluation. We will introduce SNA concepts, demonstrate how network maps are produced, and look at what our analysis reveals about the knowledge, experience, and relationships among Forum participants. In breakout sessions, you will help identify opportunities to strengthen this network to benefit your own work. We’ll explore together how SNA might be a useful addition to the environmental evaluator’s toolbox.
Ken Vance-Borland is Director of the Conservation Planning Institute, where he has done social network mapping, analysis, weaving, and training since 2008. He also has nearly 20 years’ experience in conservation planning, has taught conservation planning short courses, and organized symposia on conservation topics for domestic and international conferences. Ken is also a Faculty Research Assistant at Oregon State University, where he has been a professional performance coach since 2005.