Evaluating Policy Advocacy: What it Takes and Tools of the Trade

2013 EENP Forum

Day 3: Sept 24, 2013 • 1:00pm-2:15pm • Great Hall

By Anna Williams

The presenters will describe skills needed, good practices, methods, and common pitfalls surrounding policy advocacy evaluation, drawing on evaluations of global efforts (e.g., climate change mitigation, ocean protection) and based on their ongoing to advance this field. “Advocacy” is defined broadly, encompassing technical assistance, consulting/advising, traditional “advocacy” efforts, etc.

Anna Williams is an independent consultant working to help organizations solve complex global problems. She specializes in the crossroads between evaluation, systems, strategy, and organizational learning. Tim Larson, a Principal at Ross Strategic, works with agencies, companies, philanthropies, and international organizations to improve environmental management and decision-making. Tim and Anna co-lead an evaluation, now it its fourth year, of the world’s largest philanthropically funded efforts to prevent climate change. They are both based in Seattle.


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