Expanding Cost-Benefit to Consider Difficult Effects

2012 EEN Forum

Led by Jess Chandler

Besides the normal Cost/Benefit Analysis, taking into account the unintended costs/benefits and complex effects of program evaluation. Noteworthy steps to transcend the normal Cost/Benefit Analysis involve causal attribution, noting unintended costs and benefits, and snowballing with various interest groups.

How to quantify the relevance of secondary, unintended costs/benefits and show their relevance in evaluation. Numerical values tend to be key (primarily in dollar signs) but also social, value, and quality of life costs. With new values involve new numerical assessments of efficiency, noticing long versus short term costs/benefits, and making the results interesting/relevant.

1 Comment

  1. Danielle Wood
    31 July 12, 8:33am

    I had wanted to be in this session, but it conflicted with another that I was also interested in. While I don’t have anything enlightening to add, I think this is a very important topic (that comes up in a variety of fields). In a sense, it is a philosophical question, as in many cases we are wrestling with how to quantify something as abstruse as ‘quality.’ Unintended costs frequently include a reduction in the quality of the thing examined (or things related to it).

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